Piece : Edition#3 – Spaces
Virtual Sound installation by duo Edition#, Copenhagen 2020
Piece : Matt Choboter – 3D concert
Recorded live in Blågårdskirke, Copenhagen, 2020
Piece : The Drowned (full film)
Music & Sound design for a movie by Luc Perez, Copenhagen 2020
Theatre play : SH4DOW
Generative music and sound design for an AI by Mikael Fock, 2021
Piece : Traces of Tissue
Betwixt (C.Østergaard/S.Dean), sound composition, 2020
Piece : Flow over me
Virtual version of an installation with 120 loudspeakers, Helsingør 2019
Piece : Who’s speaking?
Yann Coppier, research project, Kulturværftet, Helsingør, 2019
Piece : Harvesting the Rare Sounds
Virtual Sound installation by duo Edition#, Copenhagen 2018
Piece : Soli Deo Gloria
Music for Thomas Bendixen’s play, Betty Nansen Theater, 2017
Piece : Opdag Else
Music for a children theater play by Mette Bendix, Copenhagen 2016
Piece : 4D Workshop
Holographic live duo with Carl Emil Carlsen, Helsingør 2016
Piece : Live at Dragens Hule
Pareidolia (Luc Perez/Yann Coppier) live, Copenhagen, 2014
Piece : Live at the Planetarium
Pareidolia (Luc Perez/Yann Coppier) live, Copenhagen, 2014
Piece : Live in Fælledvej
Pareidolia (Luc Perez/Yann Coppier) live, Copenhagen, 2014
Piece : -i snor – The Shadow
Movie by Luc Perez, music from
-i snor “The Wolf Project”, 2014
Piece : Interview at SAE Institute Paris
Interview after a conference at SAE Institute Paris (French), 2014
Piece : 43 painting
Quadriphonic live sound for an installation by Jacob Remin, 2013
Piece : The Wolf Project
Contemporary Dance piece by Kenneth Flak & Külli Roosna, 2012
Movie : Miniyamba (full film)
Sound design, mix and some music for a movie about Mali, by Luc Perez
Piece : Miniyamba
Making of the sound design for an animation movie by Luc Perez
Client : Kolding Design Skole
Sound design research for electric vehicles @ etrans project, 2012
Piece : God Studies #4
Duo version of the God Studies solo, by/with Kenneth Flak & Külli Roosna
Client : AVID (1 hour long)
Conference at Ircam, Paris about my work as a sound designer (eng subs).

Client : MTV Australia
Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA) Awards 2010.
Piece : at+de · trac · tion
Concept and animation by Jacob Linnemann Lange.
Client : Toil
Launch movie from Boston-based Motion Graphics Company Toil.
Client : MTV Scandinavia
Vocals only here. ProMax/BDA Silver Award for best branding, 2008
Client : Swatch
Exclusive creation for Swatch “Creart”, Billy the Artist series.

Client : MTV England, Viva & VH1
Musical environment for a show about 80s music in the UK.

Client : Adobe
Electronic surf music – Adobe Flash event MAX in Los Angeles, CA, 2009.

Client : Thank You
Customized –i snor track for Thank You Production’s 2009 showreel.

Client: Psst ! Pass it on 3
Part 3 of the “Wacko Gonzo” movie on the collaborative project Psst!
Client : DR Ramasjang
Creation for the Danish show for kids «TV from when dad was a boy».

Client : Carlsberg
A mix of 2 works on Sales Communication and Brand Design.

Client : Twenty 120
Intro for the film collection « the Age of Opulence » by Promax/BDA.
Client : Swatch
All sounds created exclusively for Swatch “Creart”, Grems series.

Client : ReSound
Sweet -i snor track customized for new waterproof hearing aids.

Client : Adobe
Synthetic music for the new Adobe Partners Portal launched in 2009.

Client : Marcos Boca Ceravolo
Customized –i snor track for Boca’s 2010 showreel. Intro by the Knife.
Client : Swatch
All sounds created exclusively for Swatch “Creart”, Ted Scapa series.

Client : Morgunblaðið
A mix of 4 out of 8 commercials for the biggest icelandic newspaper.

Client: Femern
Music for the future bridge/tunnel between Denmark and Germany.
Client : Swatch
Exclusive creation for Swatch “Creart”, Matthew Langille series.

Client : Baccarat
Lounge & crystal. On Baccarat’s website the visual loop has changed.

Client : Icelandic TV Skjáreinn
Total channel rebranding, nominated at the Promax/BDA awards 2008.

Client : Spark Animation Festival 08
Some more vocal extravaganza for a Canadian animation festival, 2008.

Client : TDC
An –i snor track for a showreel about the biggest Danish phone company.

Client : iMelos
A concert atmosphere for iMelos, a website playing live shows… live.

Client : KMD
One more -i snor track adapted, here for a big Danish IT company.

Client : Spark Animation Festival 09
An absurd trailer featuring a pair of male underwear in the end, 2009.

Movie: l’Attente XXX
First of seven -i snor art movies. Drawings by Jean-Michel Perchet.

Movie: la Peur du Noir
Third of seven -i snor art-movies. Who’s afraid of the dark now?

Movie: Sleeping Machine
Fifth of seven -i snor art-movies. Paintings by Dalila Dalléas.
Movie: Le Dernier des Immobiles
Extract from Nicola Sornaga’s movie, selected at the 60th Venice Festival

Movie: Gensyn
Extract from a short movie directed by Maja Friis Kristensen, 2006.

Piece: God Studies #3
Dance solo by and with Kenneth Flak around the Nordic Mythology, 2007.
Piece: of Gods and Driftwood
Extracts from a Contemporary dance piece by Kenneth Flak, 2008

Piece: Indigo Natura
Music for 3 movies / installations by painter Marie-Christine Palombit.

Salvado Road
Music for a short movie directed by Gerald Hustache-Mathieu, 2002.